Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, ExMachina VHS, Her VHS, Horror VHS, Interstellar VHS, It Follows VHS, Matthew Dix VHS, Modern VHS, offtrackoutlet VHS, Star Wars VHS, VHS art -

With the widespread resurgence of interest and affection for the VHS format, it seems a whole new wave of nostalgia-driven artistic creation has bubbled up within the ever-growing VHSphere. One such analog-inclined talent (which we’ve flash featured here in Lunchmeat Land in the recent past) is graphic designer and all-around super-skilled artist Matthew Dix. He’s been creating absolutely gorgeous VHS versions of modern films that amaze in every way from his attention to detail down to the actual construction of the physical presentation. He’s currently showcasing his work on an Instagram feed under the @OffTrackOutlet banner, and recently posted a...

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