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Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Christmas, Cult, holiday horror, Horror, New Wave Independent Pictures, Retrosploitation, sequel, Silent Night Bloody Night, Silent Night Bloody Night 2: Revival, VHS, weird -

Over 40 years after the release of Theodore Gershuny’s atmospheric and effective cult Christmas slasher Silent Night, Bloody Night, New Wave Independent Pictures has just unleashed Silent Night, Bloody Night 2: Revival: an interlaced sequel which revisits and expands on the storyline from Gershuny’s original offering of dark and demented holiday horror. The best part, Tapeheads? Australia-based entity Retrosploitation is offering BOTH films on one jam-packed double-feature videocassette loaded with a bunch of groovy extras. A look at the package for the SNBN double-feature fresh VHS. You can grab your slab HERE. Here’s a little more on the new film,...

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