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Asa Nisi Masa Films, Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Desert Cathedral, Desert Cathedral VHS, found footage, found footage VHS, Limited Edition VHS, new VHS, special edition VHS -

The voyeuristic allure of “found footage” has fascinated audiences from its inception in cinema, with films like Man Bites Dog and The Blair Witch Project practically redefining the boundaries of on-screen terror, along with more obscure entries like Jean-Teddy Fillppe’s Forbidden Files and Lunchmeat favorite America’s Deadliest Home Video displaying even earlier employment of found footage techniques to captivate curious audiences. As exemplified in ADHV, it seems that the VHS format fully embodies those aesthetic elements which take that “discovered and uncovered” plausibility to a whole new level. How many times have you happened upon an unmarked VHS tape that...

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