Tape Tree RSS

Category_Collecting, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, Dacoda Montana, Tape Tree, The Tape Tree, VHS Christmas Tree, VHS Tape Tree, VHS Tree -

If you follow Lunchmeat on any of our social media platforms, you’re likely to have recently witnessed one of the more awe-inspiring rewind-inclined trends for this Holiday season: The Tape Tree. Yes, that would indeed be an emulation of a classic Christmas tree made entirely out of slabs of analog glory! And one of our favorite and most magnificent examples of the soon-to-be Tapehead Christmas classic, is the following creation by fellow Videovore Dacoda Montana, which is quite the VHSight to behold, dude! Check it out just below!     Oh, yeah! That IS a functioning TV and VCR nestled...

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