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animation, cable access television, Category_Cartoons, Category_Groovy Stuff, Category_Horror, Category_VHS, Category_Weirdness, claymation, Come and Get It, Hayden Hall, horror host, Johnny Dickie, Josh Schafer, Lunchmeat VHS, Luther's Mid-Fright Snack, Luther's Midfright Snack, Sick Slice Cinema, TV show -

It's arrived, Videovores! The super-VHSpecial Lunchmeat Halloween Treat for 2016 is now ready to invade your brain! Lunchmeat has teamed up with the ridiculously radical crew over at Sick Slice Cinema to present a weird and wild mix of live-action, puppetry and crazy claymation to create a totally spooktacular TV show unlike any other you've seen before: LUTHER'S MID-FRIGHT SNACK! You may have caught the Official teaser trailer yesterday, and if you did, we know you’re ready to chew on through this premiere episode and party down with Luther and his crew!! So… HERE IT IS, VIDEOVORES!! We hope you...

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